Crew Member

Basic Info:

Position: Crew Member
Groundie or Climber (Tree Care Operations + Shop work as needed)

Role: Full-Time Hourly 36+ hours per week

Pay Range: $15-$27 per hour
(assessed on an individual basis)

Direct Support: Nathan Sanner (Co-owner)


  • STS has a stringent interview/onboarding process and we demand high standards of excellence before joining our team.
  • You will be required to undergo multiple rounds of interviews to establish a baseline of your background and work history.
  • Applicant must hold a valid/current Pennsylvania driver’s license

Core Competencies:

  1. A-Player Mentality
  2. Others Oriented
  3. Takes Ownership

Plague Attributes:

  1. Negativity
  2. Selfishness
  3. Ego

Crew Member Competencies:

  1. Attention to detail
  2. Efficient
  3. Decisive
  4. High Standards
  5. Good communicator
  6. Proactive
  7. Action-oriented
  8. Aggressive hustle
  9. Willing to learn
  10. Submissive to authority
  11. An ideal team player
  12. Hard-working

Technical Knowledge:

Required – Google services (Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive), SingleOps (CRM)

Culture Fit:

Read – The STS Way  & Core Values 

  1. First, Add Value
  2. Over-Communicate, Then Keep Communicating
  3. Decide, Commit, Act. Learning to Trust Yourself

Working Genius

Proactive – Acting in advance to deal with an expected change or difficulty – Suggestive of having knowledge of future events – Involving active participation – Showing a keen desire or enthusiasm – Having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed – Serving to prevent or protect against an undesired effect.

Advancement / Opportunities:

  1. Climber
  2. Crew Leader 
  3. Equipment Operator (skid loader, stump grinder, grapple truck)
  4. Quarterly rewards based on hitting 90-day theme goals

Related Resources:

Books to Read:

Mission / Purpose:

Your mission, should you choose to accept it…is to keep production (fulfillment of sales through performing tree care operations) moving forward at a rapid pace.
(And to keep trucks, equipment, and chainsaws in good running condition to be used in daily operations)

You will be held to the highest quality standards of service as you work with your team to deliver all service offerings with excellence.

The mission of the Crew Member is to get jobs done. You are the boots on the ground responsible for completing the work as safely and efficiently as possible.
(The mission during shop work is to prioritize and execute the maintenance and repairs of all essential trucks, equipment, and tools, to keep production well-equipped to produce at a high level)

What We Expect:

Crew Members will complete all Tree Care & Landscape Operations to drive the company forward. This person must be able to perform at a high physical level in the fulfillment of jobs across the green industry. They must be detail oriented to accomplish the work according to written specifications.

Serving clients with excellence, working as a team, and conducting yourself safely and professionally are all necessary parts of being a Crew Member

If it has to do with a tree, the Crew Member is there. The Crew Member knows how to prune and remove trees as well as remove stumps and Plant New Trees

The Crew Member understands industry best practices and works in accordance with the ANSI standards to ensure the best long-term results from the service they are performing.

The Crew Member lives and breathes in the trenches to complete jobs and activities that drive the company forward…Performing Work-Visits, operating Trucks & Equipment, and undergoing classroom and hands-on training to improve overall safety, efficiency, and performance.

Chain of Command shall be followed to avoid confusion among team members as to who has accountability, responsibility, or authority

You will participate in a daily huddle, weekly meeting, and report monthly with a mid-level manager to establish and retain clear communication, expectations, and alignment.
During each monthly reporting meeting, new Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Measurables will be set for the position in order to maintain focus during the following 30-day period.

The Crew Member is accountable to ensure every client is satisfied with the way their job is completed.
This person will put the good of STS above themselves. Meaning they will choose the largest piece of firewood to move so that their comrade may carry the small one.
This person is accountable to adhere to our zero gossip policy and take issues directly to the individual or team who can affect change.
This person will hustle to make the biggest impact for the good of others.

The Crew Member will have access to managers and leaders via our Open Door policy in order to:

  • Suggest improvements to systems, tasks, or procedures.
  • Bring forward issues or concerns.
  • Request changes

Outcomes / Responsibilities:

  1. It is your responsibility to keep yourself safe and to protect the lives of your team every day that you go into the field.
  2. It is your responsibility to care for the property of the people you are serving every day that you go into the field.
  3. And it is your responsibility to think, say, and do the things that bring glory to God every single day that you go into the field.


  • Acquire all proper PPE (hardhat, comm device, chaps, gloves, eye pro) A mid-level manager will assist you in this process
  • Acquire a lunchbox and water thermos capable of sustaining you for up to 12 hours

First 30 Days

  1. Read through all playbooks to gain a basic understanding of STS functions/operations
  2. Check your personal playbook daily to remain aligned and focused on your measurables
  3. Check in with your direct support to schedule a one-on-one alignment meeting
  4. Learn 3 basic knots that are most likely to be used during production (work visits)

First 60 Days

  1. Train on a variety of work-visit tasks (rigging, chipper ops, truck driving, etc…)
  2. Continue to read and review your playbook daily
  3. Keep learning knots and standard job-site practices
  4. Schedule a monthly one-on-one with your direct support to get help with whatever area you need support or a better understanding
  5. Learn to properly and efficiently sharpen a chainsaw chain
  6. Conduct a TCIA Tailgate Safety meeting as the instructor

First 90 Days

  1. Read and understand the A300 for pruning standards
  2. Work with your direct support to identify and crush current or potential weak areas
  3. Continue to read and review your playbook
  4. Continue one-on-one each month with a peer or leader

Example Tasks:

  • Dragging brush / Moving firewood
  • Running ropes/rigging systems
  • Driving trucks
  • Filing chainsaws
  • Raking/blowing yards
  • Equipment maintenance. (change chipper knives, grinder teeth, sharpen chainsaws)

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